Bar Counter made of Stage Decks

Bar Counter made of Stage Decks

It is possible to set up bar counters and buffet tables using stage decks. We have several different sizes and shapes of stage decks, so imagination is the only limit when you want to use stage decks as a bar counter or buffet table. We have covered bar counters and buffet tables with white or black fire proof cloths. We can also use other covers in different colors. Ask more  information from our customer service.

“Roudaamon työntekijät ovat asiakaspalvelun ammattilaisia. Saan heiltä erittäin asiantuntevaa apua tapahtumien kalusteiden ja rakenteiden suunnittelussa.
Sen takia tulen jatkossakin käyttämään Roudaamoa!”

– Lotta Hurskainen, toimitusjohtaja, Red Events Oy –


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